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Career Days
Popple's Tales at The LooKoUT for a after hours Halloween Cauldron Tale!
What the kids say;
Jessica (age 8) - I really enjoyed story writing and coming up with ideas where we let our mind flow and when we had a chance to be creative.
Connor (age 8) - we had fun doing the writing and had lots of laughs at the same time.
Kayleigh (age 8) - I liked all of it. It was fun and entertaining.
Maisy (age 8) - I liked it when we played games using adjectives. We did it to help us to use adjectives in our writing.
Radhi (age 8) - I liked playing guessing games to get our brains to work and to get our imagination going.
Cameron (age 8) - I liked reading 'Sqaure Poo Wombat' because it was funny and one of Laura's own books.
Popple with the winners of the Popple's Tales' Little Author Competition.
Popple's Tales' Little Authors Club!
Popple's Tales makes it to a school visit a little further away! Kajabang village Primary school, Gambia.
World Book Day Visits!
"One of our favourite companies!" Sunderland Parents.
“The children looked forward to their weekly sessions with Laura. They could see just how much Laura – a published author - enjoyed turning her thoughts and ideas into entertaining stories – and this has had a positive effect on the children’s understanding of the writing process. Being able to work with Laura over several weeks has inspired the children to transform their own imaginative ideas into illustrated stories to publish, share with friends, and to treasure. We’ll definitely be working with Laura again!”
“Laura made the sessions fun. She engaged all of the children, at all levels – those confident with writing and those who sometimes struggle. She built lots of speaking and listening activities, language games and discussion, into the sessions, and this gave the children a real confidence boost when it came to actually committing their ideas to paper”.
Les McAnally, Head Teacher Grangetown Primary School.
World Book Night!
"Popple's Tales have held activities in a number of libraries inspiring little authors and illustrators to show their creativity and learn new skills. Activities have been warmly received by everyone involved including teachers, parents, library staff and off course the children themselves. We hope to bring many more Popple's Tales activities to libraries in the future."
Stephen Dodd, Reader Development Librarian Sunderland City Library.
What the parents say;
I recently attended your Little Authors workshops with my little boy, Flynn.
He thoroughly enjoyed these sessions and his confidence grew week by week. I really liked how his age wasn't an issue and how you involved him as much as the older children.
The sessions were well structured and covered all of the areas to enable Flynn to create his own story. Flynn was kept very engaged throughout and really looked forward to each of the sessions. Thank you, Jonny Belmont
Thank you for the session today. Jacob loved it and also loves his new book. Will certainly look out for more activities in the future! Paula Worthy.
Leah (and me!) really enjoyed the Little Author's course so we'll definetly have a look at the competition! Thanks Again! Ruth Whitehouse
Erin and I have thoroughly enjoyed the Little Authors course - thanks Laura! Fiona
Another fantastic morning...enjoyed creating my creature as much as the kids!! Thanks again!
Jo and Tillie.
Popple's Tales at Grangetown!
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